How does a parent / proxy view a student's information online?

Students at Northwood University can grant online access to their student accounts to a designated individual called a proxy. Proxies can only access information that the student has permitted. Proxy account details will be sent to the email address entered during setup, and all communications about proxy access will come from

  1. After your student grants you access, and you receive your login details via email, go to the Person Proxy site
  2. Enter the user ID and password from the two separate emails, then click Sign In
    • On your first login, you’ll need to change your password, and an email will confirm the update
    • If you forget your username or password, you can find the "Forgot your user name" and "Forgot your password" links on the login page
  3. Choose the student’s account you want to view and click Continue
    • If you don’t see the green bar showing you’re acting on behalf of the student, click your user name in the top right, select Change Proxy User, and choose your studentUploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  4. Select the corresponding tile for more options

For more information about person proxy access, please contact the Finance Office at or call 989.837.4207.

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