Northwood University on-campus visitors and guests staying at the NADA hotel can connect to the northwood wireless network. Guest access is provided for a duration of 60 hours. For extended stays, users are required to self-register once the initial session expires.
- Disable MAC randomization/private addresses on your device
- Connect to northwood WiFi
- If not redirected, open a web browser (Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari) and visit
- Select Guests
- Agree to the AUP
- Wait for device registration countdown
- Close and reopen browser to join the network
- Visitor and guest access will remain active for 60 hours. If users plan to stay longer, they must re-register once the initial session expires.
NOTE: As most other public WiFi services, northwood is not an encrypted network. Use https or other secure applications if you need to send personal or confidential data.