MAC randomization is enabled by default on most mobile devices and serves as a privacy feature that alters your device's MAC address for increased anonymity. To avoid frequent re-registration on the Northwood Wi-Fi, it must be disabled in order to connect to our campus network, which requires a consistent identifier for secure access and reliable connectivity.
Additionally, if you forget the northwood Wi-Fi, MAC randomization will automatically be reactivated, requiring you to frequently re-register your device.
- Open the Settings App
- Tap on Wi-Fi to view available networks.
- Find the northwood network and tap the info icon (ℹ️) next to it
- Tap Private Wi-Fi Address
- Tap Off
- Tap Allow Tracking
- Choose Join This Network
Note that the steps may differ slightly depending on your device's manufacturer and the version of Android you’re using.
- Open the Settings App
- Tap Network and Internet
- Tap Wi-Fi
- Locate the northwood Wi-Fi and tap the gear icon
- Tap Advanced
- Tap Privacy
- Tap Use device MAC
- Join northwood Wi-Fi to register your device
- Click the Apple menu in the top left corner of the screen
- Select System Settings.
- Click on Network
- Choose Wi-Fi
- Click Advanced
- Find the option for Private Wi-Fi Address and set it to Off
- Select the Start button
- Select the gear icon to go to Settings
- Select Network and Internet
- Select the Wi-Fi tab
- Set "Under Random hardware addresses" to Off
For instructions on turning off MAC randomization for smart devices or TVs, please refer to the manufacturer's guidelines, as the process can vary by device. It's essential to disable this feature to ensure proper connectivity on college campuses like the northwood Wi-Fi.