Submitting Final Grades and Absences:
Here are the necessary steps for an instructor to submit final grades and attendance:
- Within Blackboard click the Self Service link in the top frame.
- Once logged in to Self Service click the Faculty menu.
- Next click the link for the course section you wish to take grade.
- On the Section Details site in Self-Service, scroll down on the page and click the tab for Grading.
- Click on the Final Grade tab.
- Click the drop-down arrow in the Final Grade field, and select the appropriate letter grade for each student.
- If a grade of "F" (Fail) is entered, also report the Last Date of Attendance or check the Never Attended check box.
- If a grade of “I” (Incomplete) is entered, also report the Expiration Date for the incomplete.
- The system will record the Final Grade submissions as you enter and will be finalized through administrative processing at scheduled times during the final grading period. If any changes to submitted grades are needed after the administrative processing has been completed (at which time you are no longer able to edit the Final Grade field), complete and submit a Grade Change Form (linked at the top of the Section Details page).
- Submit a Failure and Incomplete Form (linked at the top of the Section Details screen) for any student who is receiving an incomplete or who has earned an “F.”
A full guide for submitting grades and attendance can also be accessed at the following link: Submitting Grades and Attendance in Self-Service_Undergraduate.pdf.
Completing an “F” and “I” Form
You need to complete the "F & I" form for each student that has a final grade of “F” or “I”
1. Go into your Bb course.
2. Click on Course Tools.
3. Click on F and I Form, this will open the form in a new window.
4. Complete the form.
Special Note: You will need the student’s ID# which can be located on your Photo Roster (Course tools > Photo Roster)